Homo-ween Homocoming

homocomingIt's Stonewall Youth's annual Homocoming Dance!This year's theme is ~Homoween~. Come in your spookiest attire for lots of fun, snacks, dancing, and more! RSVP on our Facebook event.This event is for LGBTQ+ youth 21 and under, and their allies, and it is FREE!The dance will be located at 112 State Ave. NE, Olympia WA.Tell all your friends! Bring all your friends! Dance with all your friends! Take pictures with all your friends and random people!There will be an OPEN MIC starting at 8:30pm!The space is ADA accessible! SOBER space, no alcohol, drugs, firearms, or weapons of any kind.We are looking for adult age volunteers! Please send an e-mail to ruby@stonewallyouth.org if you are interested in volunteering!For more information about the event or to voice concerns, e-mail us at: info@stonewallyouth.org or call us at (360) 705-2738.Visit our website at www.stonewallyouth.org or visit our facebookwww.facebook.com/stonewallyouth for more information about us!