Fellowships for LGBTQ+ Youth
Stonewall Youth provides paid Fellowships to LGBTQ+ youth ages 21 and under. With support from staff, youth develop and lead their own Fellowship project. Fellows work about three hours a week for approximately 12 weeks and earn a monthly stipend.
We have four quarterly Fellowships each year: starting in January (Winter), April (Spring), July (Summer), and October (Fall), respectively. We open up the application process at the beginning of each listed month.
Here is a PDF version of the application.
Do you have a skill, talent, or interest that you want to share with other youth? Are you passionate about an issue or topic that you want to learn more about with other youth? Is there an activity or event that you want to see at Stonewall Youth or in our community? Do you want to get more involved in making things happen at Stonewall Youth? Do you want to build your skills and resume while you’re earning some money? If your answer to any of these questions is “yes” (or even, “um, maybe?”), the Fellowship program may be for you!
Fellowships can include helping with outreach, leading an educational workshop, original musical performances and art projects, fundraising, programming, social justice work, and other activities.
If it’s a project you’re passionate about that will benefit LGBTQ+ youth, we would love to know about it and assist you in creating your vision! Past Fellowships have included organizing an Open Mic and a dance, leading a workshop series on job readiness skills, leading conversations at drop-ins about LGBTQ+ issues, creating sex ed materials for LGBTQ+ youth, assisting in the creation of a protest against “anti-transgender bathroom bills”, and leading music workshops.
There are plenty of benefits to doing a Fellowship outside of passion for the project. The first of these benefits is that Fellowships are paid, if you are accepted into our Fellowship program, we provide a monthly stipend for your work. Fellowships also look great on your resume. Additionally, you can ask your fellowship supervisor for a recommendation for future jobs or school.
Please note that Stonewall Youth Fellowships are limited to youth ages 21 and under that attend our weekly 4-7pm Tuesday and/or 4-7pm Wednesday Drop-Ins. Each quarter is limited to two (2) Fellowships on a first-come-first-serve basis.
If you are eager to be a part of a fellowship but are struggling to come up with or outline a project proposal, you can contact our Fellowship supervisor, either during drop-in hours or by e-mail at omar@stonewallyouth.org. You can apply by printing a hard copy of the application and bringing it to Drop-Ins, inquiring at a weekly Drop-Ins, or by making a copy of the application and e-mailing it to omar@stonewallyouth.org.