
Join our Board

You don’t need to be a know-it-all to join our Board!  We value skill-building and skill-sharing.

Our Board of Directors oversees Stonewall Youth operations, and works with staff collective members, youth participants, and volunteers on strategic planning, fundraising, and program/policy development. You don’t need to have expertise in these areas - just a willingness to learn and a commitment to youth power and social justice!

We value marginalized voices and experiences, such as those of people of color and youth. Diversity makes us stronger! Board members are not required to donate funds to the organization.

Youth and low-income Board members may be eligible for a small stipend. The Board meets once a month for two hours, and we ask that members make an additional 4-10 hour monthly commitment to Board activities.

Interested? Please contact info@stonewallyouth.org for more information and an application.