Stonewall Summer Spectacular: A daytime Carnival & an evening Sweet Soiree


Two delightful events in one big day! Join us for one or both of these events at our fabulous new headquarters

2-6pm: FREE CARNIVAL!  An all-ages event with fun games, food, and activities for everyone. OMG, so much: a BOUNCY HOUSE (!), ping-pong, small games with prizes, elephant ears.....7-9pm: SWEET SOIREE!  The evening's pleasures include many treats: yummy sweet and savory snacks, live music and spoken word, a bar, and an amazing array of auction items. There will also be a photo booth, raffle, games, and much more! It's an all-ages event, and we will provide childcare for young kids. Buy tickets for Sweet Soiree at Brown Paper Tickets.We invite you to don your fancy clothes for the evening, but wear whatever pleases you the most!WHERE: Stonewall Youth's headquarters at 112 State Ave NE, Olympia 98501.WHY:  We love hosting fun all-ages events in our community!  All proceeds from both events go towards our Capital Campaign. After 25 years of serving LGBTQ+ youth, Stonewall Youth is buying our new headquarters! Its a good investment, and will allow us to to expand our music, art, social and supportive programming. We'll be able to offer office, meeting, and event space to other social justice nonprofits.