Spring Quarter Fellowships at Stonewall
If there is programming you want to see at Stonewall Youth, skills you want to teach others, administrative duties you want to learn and assist with, or anything relating to Stonewall Youth you want to get involved in; a fellowship might be a good choice for you! Fellowships are long term (quarterly or longer) proposals you contract with Stonewall Youth to create. Fellowships can be almost anything including, but not limited to, support group, outreach, music programming, fundraising, event planning, social justice, social media, and administrative. If it is a project you are passionate about that will benefit the space, we would love to know about it and assist you in creating your vision! Fellowships are 3 hours of work a week. Past fellowships have included contracting to deep clean the space weekly, leading a workshop series on job readiness skills, assisting in the creation of a protest against “anti-transgender bathroom bills”, and creating a choir during our music Tuesday programming. There are plenty of benefits to doing a fellowship outside of passion for the project. The first of these benefits is that Fellowships are paid. If you are accepted into our fellowship program, we provide a monthly stipend for your work. Fellowships also look great on your resume. Additionally, you can ask your fellowship supervisor for a recommendation for future jobs or school. If you are eager to be a part of a fellowship but are struggling to come up with or outline a project proposal, you can contact our fellowship supervisor, Jax, either during drop in hours or by e-mail at jax@stonewallyouth.org, feel free to make an appointment to outline/review your proposal. All applications must be turned in by Wednesday, April 17th at 7pm. Click here to see the application Please return applications in person, over e-mail to jax@stonewallyouth.org, or snail mail PO Box 7378Olympia, WA 98507