Make Music at Stonewall Youth!
Music workshops and jam time at Stonewall Youth every Monday from 5-8pm!!!!NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Making music is an incredible way to heal and express yourself. We will be offering a month of workshops followed up open jam time to any LQBTQQIA person age 21 and under who is interested in participating. We have many guitars, basses, keyboards, drums, mics, pedals, and more fun stuff to experiment on in a safe space. All Stonewall Youth programming is sober.If you are interested in participating, just show up or get in touch with Ruby at ruby@stonewallyouth.orgMARCH 20 - DrumsMARCH 27 - BassAPRIL 3 - VocalsApril 10 - Guitar/Songwriting (with Erica Freas!)