Calling all intergalactic space dragons and/or LGBTQQIA youth (age 21 and under): Come one come all, and show off ur best dance moves at our Pride Dance!
When: Saturday, June 18 at 6:30 to 10:30pmWhere: The CoLab at 317 4th Ave E in downtown OlyTheme is: Intergalacticspacedragons. Yeah! Galaxy, space, and dragons! What?This is a FREE event for LGBTQQIA youth and their allies aged 21 and under.Additionally:This is a safe & sober event, with ADA accessibility and gender neutral restrooms. We also expect **all**attendants to follow our Ground Rules!-No drugs or alcohol plz-Stay on the 4th floor of the Co-Lab building-Ask for consent before touching, hugging, taking pics etc-Keep PDA (public displays of affection) PG! Affection is awesome just be mindful, ok?! -NO HATE IN THE SPACE. Racism, Transphobia, Homophobia will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave.-Be respectful of each other and the space!-If you have questions, staff and volunteers can answer them, so ask!QUESTIONS? Call us at 360-705-2738 or email info@stonewallyouth.orgFor adults who want to get involved, please contact Amira at amira@stonewallyouth.org about being a volunteer chaperone or for donations of much needed food and beverages for the event.