Camping Trip
Stonewall is going camping at Lake Sylvia!!!!
All LGBTQ+ youth 21 and under are invited. It's free!
All youth will need to provide a permission slip and fill out an application by July 22. Click here to fill out the application.
We'll provide food, transportation, and Stonewall staff and volunteers will
serve as your "camp counselors."
Youth will need to bring all the essential supplies OR tell us what we need to provide for you: A tent (maybe one that can fit other people), a sleeping bag, toiletries, clothing, a pillow, camping chairs, fishing poles, other camping fun things etc. If you have extras of these, or have a large tent (we'd love to be able to find a 8-10+ person tent for youth to share!) please contact Lili as soon as possible, at or through Stonewall Youth's facebook message. We're trying to build a solid selection of supplies for youth that don't have any/are unable to purchase them before the trip.
We are also looking for volunteers! Drivers especially. Please let us know as soon as possible if you're interested in volunteering during our camping trip. Being a driver isn't a necessity but would be greatly appreciated.
Stonewall will provide food and some snacks, but bring some if you're able too, especially to share!
If you're interested in going you need to fill this out by July 22nd: